Chasing Rabbits® Vitality Tea

Chasing Rabbits® Vitality Tea

delivers truly unique
slow-carb-low-GI clean energy!

Whether you’re preparing for an epic hike up a mountain trail, mastering a new yoga pose, or simply eager to seize the day ahead, Chasing Rabbits® Vitality Tea is your ultimate source of vitality and wellness. Revel in the natural goodness of our organic tea blend, bid farewell to sugary drinks, and welcome a fresh wave of vibrant energy into your daily routine.

© 2020 – 2022
Chasing Rabbits® and the Three Rabbits logo image mark
are active trademarks of Chasing Rabbits, LLC

*Contains naturally occurring caffeine from yerba mate and black tea extract.
Not for use by children, pregnant women, or individuals sensitive to caffeine.

Isomaltulos Slow Carb Sugar

Chasing Rabbits® Vitality Tea will fuel your adventures
without a blood sugar overload.

Chasing Rabbits® Vitality Tea is made with Non GMO natural ingredients and packed with low calorie, slow carb, stable blood sugar energy alternatives to the dreaded blood sugar spikes that occur from consuming high-calorie, sugar-laden, and artificially sweetened drinks.